A Free 5-Day Writing Challenge to Rise Above Self-Sabotage

may 13 - 17

Self-sabotage is the biggest obstacle you face to realizing your writing dreams. 

Your writer's brain is both your biggest asset and your biggest liability....It’s the source of all your talent, and simultaneously responsible for holding you back. 

Gaining control of your mindset is the key to finishing books you start—and building your audience.

In the Mind Over Manuscript Challenge, we’ll spend 5 days learning and using the best mindset tools to keep your writing going and your inner saboteur sidelined. 

The Mind Over Manuscript Challenge includes:

  1. Daily mindset lessons and live coaching

  2. Journal prompts and exercises to loosen the grip of your inner saboteur

  3. Daily progress on your manuscript and accountability from your fellow writers

There's no better way to end self-sabotage than mindset coaching WHILE you are taking action.

You’ll choose a simple goal for the week that will move you forward on your current manuscript and get the mindset tools you need to actually sit down and do the work. (Yes, I’ll give you guidance on what makes a good challenge goal.)

During this 5-day challenge, you will learn…

Day 1: The importance of the story you tell yourself + live group coaching

Day 2: How to loosen the grip of your inner saboteur + live group coaching

Day 3: How to deal with external obstacles to your writing + group coaching

Day 4: Who you want to be vs. what you want to do + group coaching

Day 5: How to make a plan to keep going + group coaching

This challenge is the best place to start for anyone wanting to show up for their writing and themselves.

Things have been going better than they have in probably a decade! For the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m making progress towards my ideal schedule. I cannot begin to tell you what a relief this is. This work is an absolute game changer. A thousand times, thank you!
— Dawnielle Jacobson
You’ve given me a blueprint, a template, that I can now make my own in terms of goal getting that I didn’t have before.
I was making my world so small because I was always giving away my power…I was able to rewire my brain to retake control over what’s really important to me.
I was able to give myself permission to honor my ‘why’ and what drives me to write. I was able to sit down and push everything else aside and focus on what is driving me for my writing.
I’d been struggling to find the motivation and organization needed to revise a messy draft #1 for almost a year. With Sue’s guidance and support, I managed to complete the full draft #2 of my first novel, in just three months! This was a total game-changer.

Plus, win some fun prizes!

Throughout the challenge, you’ll have the chance to win…

HEA Club logo

Six months in the Happily Ever Author Club

Image of a bullet journal
Image of a Laurel Denise planner

Bullet journals

Laurel Denise planners

meet your hosts

Hi, I’m Sue Campbell

I’m a marketing and mindset coach who’s helped hundreds of writers overcome inhibiting mindsets so they could finish their manuscripts, grow their platforms and sell more books.

I’m also a writer who used to tell myself terribly disempowering stories that had me completely blocked until I was around thirty years old.

While solving my own creative self-sabotage, I started helping others do the same, founding Pages & Platforms in 2018. We helped writers write the best story possible and find an audience for it, but in order to do that, most of my work was getting writers out of their own way. In 2022, I decided to make my unofficial therapist role for my clients a bit more official by becoming a certified life coach. 

The challenge will also be supported by two of the best developmental editors out there: 

Rachelle Ramirez helps writers develop their stories and believes stories are our most important catalyst for change. She has an MA in psychology from Goddard College and attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago's Masters in Creative Writing Program on merit scholarship. Before becoming a developmental editor, she served as a mental health counselor and as the executive director of a national writing community.

Anne Hawley is a third-generation native Oregonian, a graduate of Portland State University. When she's not editing stories, she's writing them, reading them, researching them, or analyzing them on The Editor Roundtable Podcast. She specializes in helping writers discover the heart of the story they’re trying to tell so that they can tell it more beautifully. She's the author of Restraint, a love story set in 19th Century London.

Through running webinars, workshops, the Happily Ever Author community, private coaching clients and Goal Getter School for Authors, we’ve developed a toolkit to help writers overcome self-sabotage and reach goals they’ve been procrastinating for years.

Now we want to share it with you.

Join us for the Mind Over Manuscript Challenge, and make your dream of creating a reliable writing habit a reality! 

Join us May 13-17 and say goodbye to self-sabotage!

join the challenge here