How to Get Your Writing Done in an Uncertain World (Part 2)

Image of woman looking overwhelmed

A few days ago, I shared part one in a series about how to get your writing done in an uncertain world. Today, I want to share a lesson that I've taken away from my tough life experiences, that I hope will serve you well, too. (And there's a part three coming soon.)


This shouldn't be happening” is a perfectly normal thing to think when shit hits the proverbial fan. But unfortunately, if you keep thinking that, you’ll end up with an extra helping of misery on the daily.

Resisting reality doesn't get you any closer to a calm peace of mind that you need to get through something. We have to accept where we are and what’s happening. And as soon as we do that, a whole layer of suffering drops away.

Please hear me when I say that this does not mean we don’t work to change our reality within the realm of our control.

But thinking something shouldn't be happening makes everything worse.

One of my coaching mentors likens resistance to trying to hold a beach ball underwater.

Resistance sucks up all your energy and prevents you from dealing directly with the matter at hand. Not to mention it usually completely incapacitates you when it comes to writing and marketing.

Accepting reality—especially when it is awful— is one of the best coping tools I know and using it always removes a layer of pain—almost immediately.

And it's actually pretty simple to do.

If you’ve found yourself saying, “Things shouldn’t be like this,” or “This can’t be happening,” I want you to pause, take a deep breath and say to yourself, “This is what's happening and I will face it.”

It can be helpful to add, “And I will do what I can to change this situation for the better.”

You are not saying it’s okay, you are not saying you like it. You are simply accepting reality. And that gives you much more power to take helpful actions.

If you want some 1:1 mindset help, right now I’m offering 20-minute mindset sessions at a significant discount off my usual hourly rate. If you need some quick help managing your mind or processing your feelings, book a 20-minute session.

P.S. I’m also running a 20% discount on coaching call packages right now, to give some extra assistance with those having mindset challenges: use coupon code MINDSET22


How to Get Your Writing Done in an Uncertain World (Part 3)


How to Get Your Writing Done in an Uncertain World (Part 1)